HomeServices Lending's trusted platform for closing loans fast, RAPID CLOSE ™ allows you to sign virtually all of your closing documents online and on the go, from your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Complete most of your closing
online in no time with RAPID CLOSE ™, exclusively offered by HomeServices Lending, LLC.
Powered by Notarize, RAPID CLOSE TM is HSL's trusted platform for closing loans quickly and safely, allowing borrowers to sign most of their closing paperwork ahead of time using their smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Sign with comfort
Sign most of your closing documents from the comfort of home and minimize the amount of time needed for your in-person settlement meeting.

Sign with confidence
Digitally review and share documents in advance with a family member or your attorney to be sure the documents are accurate and acceptable.

Sign on the go
Conveniently sign the majority of your closing documents from anywhere using your smartphone, tablet, or laptop.
Contact your mortgage consultant today to learn more about RAPID CLOSE TM!
Borrower FAQ Guide
Borrower FAQ Guide
Borrower resources

Powered by Notarize is the way HSL closes loans.
Receive Invitation
Once your closing documents have been prepared by your loan closer, you'll be sent a link to access the documents through Notarize, typically one or more days prior to your scheduled closing.
Set Up Your Account
Create a password protected account or sign-in securely with Google to review your documents.
Review and Share Documents
Download, review, and share any and all of your documents with family or your attorney prior to closing.
eSign Documents
On closing day, all documents that can be eSigned ahead of time will be activated and Notarize will send you a reminder that your documents are ready to be signed.
In-Person Settlement Meeting
Sign the few remaining documents that require a witness in-person at your settlement meeting.
Title agent resources
Make your closing a success
Receive Automated Email
Once the closing package has been prepared by our closing team, we'll send you a link through Notarize (noreply@notarize.com) to access the closing package.
Access Documents
The secure unique access link sent to your email allows your team to access the documents through the Notarize portal with a single click. There's no need to create a Notarize account just to participate in our Rapid Close ™ transaction.
Review Documents
As documents are revised and updated by the closing team, we'll automatically recall the previous package and send you a link to the new documents within about 15 minutes. Be sure to always use the link from the most recent email you received for the loan when accessing the documents.
Download and Print Documents
On the day of closing, the documents that can be eSigned ahead of time will become activated and Notarize will remind you that those docs are ready to be eSigned.
Verify Documents
Check the portal to see if all eligible eSign docs have been signed prior to closing. If they haven't been eSigned yet, you can still walk the borrower through eSigning on their mobile device, or you can download the eSign docs using the "Print eSign" button and have the borrower wet sign them instead.
eSign Documents Auto-Returned
The eSign documents are automatically sent back to us by Notarize as soon as they are completed, so you only have to worry about returning the handful of wet sign documents.
Upload Wet Sign Documents
Once all wet sign docs are completed, scan and securely return them to our closer, and mail the physical copies back to us as usual.
Real estate agent
Get your clients into their new home quickly and safely.
Get the closing appointment done in a matter of minutes by having clients sign most of their documents ahead of time.
Make your next closing short, simple and stress-free with RAPID CLOSE TM!
*Not all borrowers will qualify